Import or export an object set

Export an object set

Any object set created in Quiver can be exported and saved for later use within Quiver or other Foundry applications. To export an object set, open the More Actions menu by clicking the More actions icon icon in the upper right corner of the card. Then, select one of two options:

  • Export Object Set: Exports based on object set filters. New objects matching criteria will be automatically added to set.
  • Export Static Object Set: Exports based on currently returned objects. Can improve performance if object set size is small.

Next, choose a name and location for saving.

Export an object set to a Project

Once an object set is exported, you can import the object set into a new Quiver analysis, or open the object set in another application in Foundry, such as Object Explorer. This can be done by either clicking the hyperlinked object set name in the object set’s Export tab, or by clicking on the object set directly in the folder it has been saved in.

Using object set

After exporting an object set, if the object set is updated in Quiver, you will be prompted to update the saved object set.

Notification of updated object set

Open an object set in Foundry applications

You can open any object set created in Quiver directly in other Foundry applications without exporting or persisting the object set, streamlining cross-application workflows. To open an object set in another application, select one of the following options under the More Actions menu (Three dots icon) found on the top right corner of the object set card:

  • Open in Object Explorer: Start a new exploration from the object set.
  • Open in more applications: Open the object set in applications developed in Foundry and published as Carbon modules. These modules include Foundry maps, Workshop modules, Vertex modules, and Quiver dashboards.
Open object set in applications

Import an object set

Object sets that have been saved in Foundry can also be imported into a Quiver analysis. This can be done via the Import saved object set menu card.

Import saved object set Import object set from Compass

If an object set imported into Quiver is updated in Foundry, you will be prompted to update it in Quiver.

New analyses can also be preloaded with a defined object or object set using query parameters. This can be done using the following endpoints:

  • Object: /quiver/views/load/object/<object_rid>
  • Object Set: /quiver/views/load/object-set/<object_set_rid>