Filter object sets

You can create a filtered object set by selecting the Next Actions menu, then selecting Objects > Filter object set to add an objects filter card.

Filter button

Alternatively, you can filter an object set by property values directly from the property column header in the object set card. The property column header also includes quick options for exact match and null filtering. Adding a filter this way adds an objects filter card with the selected property as the input.

To add a filter from the property column header:

  1. Hover over the header with the cursor
  2. Select Add filter where...
  3. Select the desired option

Example of filtering an object set by setting property values from the property column header.

In the example below, we filter a set of New York City buildings where the roof height property is greater than or equal to 30 feet and the area property is between 600 and 750 square feet, resulting in a new object set of 19,592 buildings (out of 1,100,640 in the input object set).

Example of filtering a set of companies to a new object set

Viewing filter results

Select the Show/Hide data button to switch between the results view and the card configuration view.

Cursor moving over a button labeled show data, once clicked the cards view changes to a table showing the resulting object set of a filter card

Nested filters

Once the initial filter is applied, you can add a nested filter to any of the filter rules by clicking the + icon on the far right side of each filter rule card. The nested filter can be applied as a AND or OR condition. You will notice that the default logic is an AND condition, meaning all the conditions within the filter must be true in order for the object to be captured.

AND and OR logic conditions

For example, here we chose an OR condition between the two rules of the first filter rule. So the first filter condition roof height is greater than or equal to 30 OR building type is Skybridge will return all buildings higher than 30 feet (even those not labeled as Skybridges) and all buildings labeled as Skybridges as their building type (even those shorter than 30 feet). Then, the second filter condition will filter all matching buildings to those with an area between 600 and 750 square feet. Notice that the OR nested filter in the first filter rule led to three more results being included in the resulting object set than in the previous example.

To make this logic easier to read, Quiver will structure your filters using the words EITHER, AND, and OR, and you should be able to read the filter conditions as a sentence.

Filtering with an OR condition

You’ll notice a second dropdown option in the filter configuration: the filter condition, which defaults to IS. You may want to exclude objects explicitly, rather than including them, in which case you will want to change this to IS NOT. To handle properties which may have empty data, similar options exist for IS NULL and IS NOT NULL. If you are working with properties of different types, like dates or numbers, you will see the same options for IS and IS NOT, but once you add the filter you’ll see filter options specific to respective data types.

Filter conditions (is or is not)

Linked objects filters

The final type of filter is a filter based on linked objects. These are useful when your filter condition does not relate to a property of the object you’re working with, but rather a property of an object to which it is connected.

For example, here we filter a set of company objects where the sector property is energy or the name property name contains the word energy, restricting the resulting set of companies to only those that have ever divided their shares in a stock split. In this case, the filter is not on the companies themselves, but on the Stock Event linked object that is connected to the [TDP] Company object.

To add a filter on a linked object, select the object from the Filter by linked objects list and add your filter as usual.

Linked objects filter