Getting started

Start a Quiver analysis

To start a Quiver analysis, expand the left-hand side Foundry navigation bar, then click on View all in the Apps section. You will find Quiver under the Analyze Data section.

Quiver in the Foundry navigation bar

From there, you can start a new analysis by clicking +New Analysis, then choosing a folder for the new analysis and selecting Save. You can also open an existing analysis.

Save new Quiver analysis

Add data

If you have created a new analysis, you can add initial data by clicking the +Add data to analysis button in the center of the screen.

You can add additional data at any time from the Add data section of the Analysis top bar.

Add data to Quiver analysis

The items in the Add Data section open Quiver's search bar and enable you to search for Ontology object sets (a collection of objects), individual objects, or time series; the search will only return results for which you have access. By default, your search will return the object sets that match your keyword search. You can see the results for individual objects or time series by selecting the labels below the search bar or by using the Tab key on your keyboard.

Once you locate the desired object set, object, or time series, click on its name to add it to the analysis. When you are finished adding data to the analysis, click X in the upper-right corner to close the search bar.

In the example below, we are adding the following to our analysis:

  • An object set of Companies,
  • An individual object representing the 3M company, and
  • Time series representing to open price, close price, dividend and vol of the 3M stock.

Example of adding data to a Quiver analysis

Search within

After finding relevant data for your analysis in the search bar, you can filter down to a result to search within the contained data. If you search within an object type, you can add objects of that type. If you search within an object, you can add properties of that object, including time series properties as time series.

In the example below, we search within the Bureau of Transportation Statistics' open-source aviation data stored in the Foundry Reference Project. We begin by adding Objects via the search bar and then entering airport. Hovering over the Airport object type will cause the Search within option to appear.

Example of searching within a Quiver analysis

After selecting Search within, we are now able to search for a term in the object names and properties of all Airport objects.

Example of searching within a Quiver analysis

We enter New York as a search term and see two results: hovering over "La Guardia Airport" gives us the option to Add object to our canvas.

Example of searching within a Quiver analysis

In most cases, the default search bar will be sufficient to find the data you need. However, as the volume and complexity of data grows, it may become necessary to apply more advanced filtering operations. In these cases, you can use the advanced search window, which you can access at the top left of the search bar.

Quiver advanced search window

For more information on how to use advanced search, refer to the Use advanced search methods page.

Import a saved object set

In some cases, you might want to add an object set that you previously saved in Foundry, such as an export from a previous Quiver analysis or an object set from another Foundry application such as Object Explorer. You can add a previously-saved object set by selecting Import saved object set under Objects in the top menu. Learn more about importing and export object sets.