Array operations

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Transforms in this section operate on an array data type. Learn more about how to search for and add a transformation.

Create array

Define an array by manually adding values or by referencing an existing array.


Returns a string array from a string input, split on a delimiter string.

Unique values

Returns an array containing the unique values from an input array.

Value at index

Returns the value at input index.

Array join

Returns a string by combining input string array values (string delimiter optional).

Array sort

Sorts the array.

Array contains

Returns True if the input array contains specified value, otherwise False.

Stepped array

Returns a numeric array from a starting value, ending value, and step size.

Array start

Returns the first value in the array.

Array end

Returns the last value in the array.

Array length

Returns the length of the array.

Number array aggregation

Performs various single number aggregations on a number array.

Strings to numbers

Convert an array of strings to an array of numbers.

Strings to booleans

Convert an array of strings to an array of booleans.

Strings to dates

Convert an array of strings to an array of dates.