AnalyticsQuiverCard referencesString

String cards

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Cards in this section return and display strings.

The following cards accept time series and return a single string:

Object property

Takes as input an object and displays a property on a card. Supported property types are Numeric, Time, and String.

Transform table column values

Takes a string column from a transform table as input, and returns an array of the string values.

Unique property values

Returns the set of unique values for a low cardinality, text property over an object set. This can also be used for filtering. Note that only the top 1,000 values will be used.

Property value select parameter

Creates a multiselect dropdown menu parameter based on values from an object set property.

String parameter

Create a string input field which can be used as a parameter in other cards (filters, for example).


Takes the substring of a string starting at a given start index and with a given length.


Returns the first value that is not null, or null if all inputs are null.

Array join

Returns a string by combining input string array values (string delimiter optional).

Code function

Returns a string from a code function.

Visual function property select

Uses a visual function to save repeatable logic that returns a string from an object property.

Visual function string

Uses a visual function to save repeatable logic that returns a string.

Find and replace

Replaces matched string values with a different string.

To lower case

Converts a string to all lowercase (non-alphabetic characters are unchanged).

To upper case

Converts a string to all uppercase (non-alphabetic characters are unchanged).