AnalyticsQuiverCard referencesObjects

Objects cards

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These operations return object set cards, with the exception of Object selector which returns a single object card.

Select the Show data and Hide data buttons to switch between the results view and the card configuration view.

Cursor moving over a button labeled show data, once clicked the cards view changes to a table showing the resulting object set of a filter card

Add object set

Opens the search bar where you can search for objects in the Ontology and add object sets to the analysis.

When added, object sets render as an object set card, showing a table with individual objects as rows and object properties as columns. The table header shows how many objects are in the set and the object type information, and also how many properties are visible. Time series columns render as a sparkline directly in the table.

Object properties and available linked sensors can be added and removed directly from the card header by selecting Properties from the top right corner. This simplifies the discovery of time series data stored on the object as a time dependent property or on linked objects as measures. Adding or removing properties will add or remove columns from the object set card table view.

Learn more about adding data to Quiver.

Example of adding measures to an object set card

Object set rows (individual objects in the object set) can be popped out as object cards, and all properties values (cells in the table) can be popped out as either a time series plot or an object property (metric) card. This pop out action shortens the process to drill down from an object set of many objects to a specific time series plot or property metric on a single object.

Red rectangle highlighting two blue pop out buttons in a table

Object property

Takes an object as input and displays a property on a card. Supported property types are Numeric, Time, and String.

Import saved object set

Prompts you to import a saved object set from a Project. This can be an object set you have saved in another Quiver analysis or can come from elsewhere in Foundry (for example, from Object Explorer). Importing adds an object set card to the analysis, showing the number of objects in the set and metadata of the set.

Filter object set

Takes as input an object set card and returns a (filtered) object set based on a set of logical conditions you can define on both the objects properties and the properties of linked objects. Learn more about filtering object sets.

Linked object set

Also referred to as “performing a search around”, this operation uses links between objects defined in the Ontology to bring additional objects to the analysis. If you begin with a set of objects of type A and create a linked object set of type B, you will return all objects of the correct type (type B) that have a relation defined between them and the selected objects of type A. These object sets do not have to be the same size, and the linked object set may be smaller or larger than the starting object set; however, there is a strict limit of 100,000 objects on the size of your input object set. There is no limit on the size of the resulting linked object set. Learn more about importing linked objects.

Set math

Takes as input two (or more) object sets of the same type and returns a combined object set based on operations defined by the user. Supported operations are the union, intersection, or difference of two object sets. * In the example below, we are using set math to find the difference between a set of 48,895 Airbnb objects ($B) and a filtered set of 22,326 Airbnb objects ($D). The output is the set ($E) of 26,569 Airbnb objects in $B but not in $D.

Airbnb data used in this example is open source.

Example of set math

Status filter

A specific type of object set filter that takes as input object sets which have start date/time and end date/time properties as well as a time range. The status filter returns a filtered set of events that were open or closed during a given date range. This object set is useful when you do not want to define logic based on when the start date or event date occurred, but would rather have the start and end dates define a period for a certain status (such as being open or closed over a certain time period).

  • Objects open during the specified date range include:
    • Objects opened before the date range and closedafter the date range.
    • Objects opened during the date range and closedafter the date range.
  • Objects closed during the specified date rangeinclude:
    • Objects opened before the date range and closedduring the date range.
    • Objects opened during the date range and closedduring the date range.
    • This does not include objects closed before thestart of the date range.
  • In the example below, we used the status filter toreturn the set of stock events that were open during theyear 2017.

Example of stock events

Cross filter

Creates an object set that can be controlled (filtered) based on selections on multiple charts. These charts also filter each other. Learn more about cross-filtering.

Defined by property

A specialized object set for objects that have a property field that is the object set identifier of an existing object set. These object sets are used to create cohorts where the cohorting logic is defined manually by the addition of the object set identifier.

Code function objects set

Creates an object set defined by a code Function.

Object selector

Useful for building interactive dashboards, it provides a dropdown widget for selecting a single object from an input object set or object type. To guide the user how to select a specific object, configure a Prompt and Help text. To show a view of the selected object, turn on Show object view or add an Object view card from the Next actions menu.

Object selector