AnalyticsQuiverCard referencesNumeric

Numeric cards

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Cards in this section return and display numbers.

Numeric aggregation

Creates a single-valued aggregation of your object properties by counting the number of objects or displaying the average/max/min/sum of property value.

Numeric formula

Takes in numeric inputs and returns the result of a simple or complex math expression. These inputs can be any card of numeric type, such as object set aggregations, object property values, transform table aggregations, numeric outputs of Functions, numeric parameters, or other numeric formula cards. After selecting your numeric inputs, you can reference them in the formula box by referencing their global IDs ($A or $B, for example).

Object property

Takes as input an object and displays a property on a card. Supported property types are Numeric, Time, and String.

Transform table column values

Takes a numeric column from a transform table as input and returns an array of the numeric values.

Function on Objects metric

Creates a numeric value using Functions on Objects.

  • Select the Function of your choice from the Function dropdown in the editor.
  • Once a selection is made, the inputs of the Function will appear below. Enter the inputs as required.
  • Turn the auto-update toggle ON if you would like the analysis to always use the latest version of the function. By default, the Function’s version will be set to the latest version available at the time of creation. You can change this version manually using the dropdown.

Transform table aggregation

Takes as input a transform table and returns an aggregation on a numeric or date/time column.

The available aggregations are:

  • Sum
  • Average
  • Standard deviation
  • Maximum
  • Minimum
  • Relative difference
  • Difference
  • Product
  • Count
  • First point
  • Last point

Numeric parameter

Create a numeric input field which can be used as a parameter in other cards (for example, filters or formulas).

String to number

Convert a string into a number. Will return NaN for non-numeric values.


Rounds a number up to the next largest integer.


Rounds a number down to the next smallest integer.


Returns the first value that is not null, or null if all inputs are null.

Day of month

Gets the day of month from a date as a number.

Day of week

Gets the day of week from a date as a number.

Hour of day

Gets the hour of day from a date as a number.


Gets the month from a date as a number.


Gets the year from a date as a number.

Day of year

Gets the day of year from a date as a number.

Time series numeric aggregation

Returns an aggregation of a time series (for example, min, max, average, or sum).

Value at time

Returns the value of a time series at a timestamp.