Event set cards

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Cards in this section are used to visualize and analyze events in bulk. An event consists of a start and end timestamp, similar to a time range, but can also be enriched with other data to support analysis.

The following cards accept an event set and return an event set:

The following cards accept time ranges and return an event set:

The following cards accept a table and return an event set:

The following cards accept a time series and return an event set:

The following are available visualizations for events:

Events plots

Every event set is visualized using an Events plot, which plots events on a time axis at the bottom of the chart.

  • Hovering over each event will show the details of that event. You can configure what details to display for each event through the Tooltip settings.
  • Events are grouped based on the zoom level of the chart. Hovering over an event group shows a list of events in that group.
  • The input data must have a date or timestamp property or column for it to be plottable as multiple events.

Event sets and events plots are backed by transform tables, where each row is treated as a single event. The backing transform table can be accessed through the next actions menu of the event set by selecting Convert > New transform table. You can use the backing transform table to modify or enrich the underlying event data. For example, you may want to compute a color label column for each event. You can then use the column to color code in the Colors settings under Event Options in the Display tab of the Editor panel.

Events plot example.

Events timeline

View an object set of events through time, segmented into categories if desired.

Does not support transform tables and only takes in an event set as input. Consider using Vega plots as an alternative visualization for an events timeline.

The events timeline chart only supports coloring if the number of events does not exceed the configured single event threshold. To adjust the event threshold, navigate to the Data tab and adjust the number in the Single event threshold field. Note that raising the threshold number may impact performance.

Alternatively, you can zoom in to a selected time frame to reduce the number of events in the chart view.