Formula syntax

Quiver lets you plot custom mathematical expressions and specify filter conditions using formulas. We support the following constructs in formulas:


  • Number: In addition to standard numbers such as 6, 3.14159, -128, Quiver also supports scientific notation: 1.602e-19.
  • Plot Reference: Each plot is assigned a parameter name when they are created, and you can reference plots using the $ sign: $A refers to the plot with parameter name A, and $A + $B calculates the sum of the two plots.
  • Boolean Values: Use the Boolean values true and false when using logical operators.
  • Time Reference: Reference time in the formula using the functions secondsSince("time") and millisecondsSince("time"). The time term needs to be in ISO-8601 format ↗. For example, secondsSince("1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00") evaluates to the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970 in UTC.
  • NaN: Represent an undefined or unrepresentable value, such as nulls.


  • Numeric Operators: Quiver supports +, -, *, /, and the remainder operator %: 10 % 7 evaluates to 3. You could also use parentheses () to enforce precedence. These operators produce double precision numbers as results.
    • You cannot use ^ to do power operations. See the pow function below in Built-in Functions to do powers.
  • Comparison Operators: Quiver supports == for equality, != for inequality, and >, <, >=, <= for comparisons. These operators produce Boolean values as results.
  • Logical Operators: You can combine Boolean values using logical AND (&&) and logical OR (||) operators. Quiver also supports the logical NOT operator (!), which inverts a Boolean value.
  • Bitwise Operators: You can perform bitwise AND (&), bitwise OR (|), bitwise XOR (^), and bitwise NOT (~) on numeric values. You can also perform bitwise shifts: << for left shift, >> for sign-preserving arithmetic right shift, and >>> for 0-padded logical right shift.

Built-in Functions

Quiver supports the following list of built-in mathematical functions:

Function NameDescription
abs(a)absolute value
acos(a)inverse cosine
acosh(a)inverse hyperbolic cosine
asin(a)inverse sine
asinh(a)inverse hyperbolic sine
atan(a)inverse tangent
atanh(a)inverse hyperbolic tangent
atan2(a, b)inverse tangent of two numbers (four-quadrant arc tangent); a is the y coordinate, b is the x coordinate.
cbrt(a)cube root
cosh(a)hyperbolic cosine
exp(a)natural exponential
isfinite(a)true if argument is neither infinite nor NaN
isnan(a)true if argument is NaN
ln(a)natural logarithm
log10(a)base 10 logarithm
log2(a)base 2 logarithm
max(a, b, ...)maximum of all given inputs
min(a, b, ...)minimum of all given inputs
pow(a, b)a to the power of b
round(a)round to the nearest integer
signum(a)sign function
sinh(a)hyperbolic sine
sqrt(a)square root
tanh(a)hyperbolic tangent

Control Flow

Quiver supports the ternary operator a ? b : c to express “if a then b else c”. For example, at each point in time, $A > 0 ? $B * 10 : $C * 10 takes on the value of $B * 10 if the value of $A is greater than 0 at that time; otherwise, it takes on the value of $C * 10.

You can also use the NaN value to return an alternative value where the input series is missing values. For example, at each point in time, @M != NaN ? @M : @K takes on the value of @M if it has a numeric value; otherwise, it takes on the value of @K.

You can use the return and skip statements to stop “early”, and either return a value or indicate that no value should be returned (e.g. to filter out a point).

Language reference

Basic types and assignment

Variables are declared with the var keyword. The = sign is used to assign a value to a variable. Variables are numbers (double precision), booleans, or strings.

var a = 6;
var b = 3.14159;
var c = 1.602e-19; // Exponential notation is supported
var d = 1.602E-19; // Exponents are not case-sensitive

var boolean_example = true;
var boolean_example = false; // re-assign to false

var string_example = "high";



You can combine literals and variables into more complicated expressions.

The basic mathematical operators are +, -, *, /. To calculate a remainder, use %.

var a = 2 + 2; // a has value 4
a = 3 * 7; // a has value 21
a = 3.5 / 7; // a has value 0.5
a = 10 % 7; // a has value 3

Operator precedence is as expected. You can use parentheses ( ) to group expressions together.

var a = 5 + 3 * 2; // a has value 11
var b = (5 + 3) * 2; // b has value 16

You can also use assignment versions of the five operators listed above.

var a = 10;
a *= 2; // a now has value 20
a += 3; // a now has value 23
a -= 5; // a now have value 18
a /= 3; // a now has value 6
a %= 5; // a now has value 1


You can compare numbers using the comparison operators <, <=, >, >=. These operators produce a Boolean (true or false) result.

Equality can be checked with ==, and inequality with !=.

These expressions can then be combined with logical operators && and ||.

You can use the ! operator to invert a Boolean result (true becomes false, false becomes true).


Equality can be checked with ==, and inequality with !=.

var a = "high";
var b = "low";

// compare values
var c = a == a; // true
var d = a != b; // true