3. [Builder] Creating a Project Output5. Making Changes To Your Pipeline Logic With Branching

5 - Making changes to your pipeline logic with branching

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📖 Task Introduction

After deploying your pipeline, you receive feedback that the flight_alerts_clean dataset could use some improvements:

  • The rule_id column is not useful in any context and should be removed.
  • It will be operationally useful to have a comment and assignee columns that can serve as editable properties on Ontology object types backed by this pipeline. These should have None values by default.

In this task, you’ll branch your clean pipeline, develop and test these changes, and then merge them back into the main branch. The instructions below will prompt you through branching in Pipeline Builder. If you would like to read up on branching in Pipeline Builder, refer to these resources: Pipeline Builder branching documentation: Create a branchPropose a changeApprove a change

🔨 Task Instructions

  1. Open your clean pipeline and create a new branch called develop by clicking the Main ▾ dropdown in the upper right of the screen.

  2. Introduce a new transform step between your output clean dataset and the Flight Alert Status Join transform.

  3. Label your new transform path Additional Cleaning and add transforms that:

    • Drop the rule_id column
    • Add a constant column called comment with a default string value of None
    • Add a constant column called assignee with a default string value of None
  4. Return to your graph, where your new transform should be automatically connected to your flight_alerts_clean output. Note that Pipeline Builder has surfaced a schema mismatch; the output is looking for rule_id and is not properly configured to accept the new constant columns.

  5. In the Pipeline outputs panel on the right, click the Edit button and then on the blue Use updated schema button to re-baseline the schema to match your transform logic.

  6. Deploy your pipeline.

  7. Right click on your output dataset node and choose Open (click the button to the right to open the dataset in a new tab).

  8. In the upper left area of the Dataset Preview app, you can see your dataset now exists on two branches: Master (corresponds with Main in your pipeline) and Develop, which you just built (the dataset might actually still be building).

  9. Your changes look good. Return to your pipeline and click the Propose button in the upper right of the screen and follow the prompts to merge your Develop branch into Main. Before merging, be sure to select the option to Deploy branch "Main" after merging this proposal.