Validate results

Fusion offers a set of validation formulas. They display as buttons, which are triggered upon click. If the validation fails, an error explaining why is displayed.

The validation functions are best used inside serial Actions with the use of toast Actions to display success and failure messages. See the Actions documentation for more details.

This page is an overview of available validation formulas. For a full list of formulas and arguments, see the function library.


The column_enum(...) validation checks the entries in a column are all within a specific list of values. The listed values can be entered into the formula manually (e.g. array('red', 'blue', 'green')) or through a reference (e.g. array_flatten(B3:B14))


Not null

The column_not_null(...) validation checks a column has no null values.



The column_numeric(...) validation checks a column has only numeric values.


Table Headers

The table_headers(...) validation checks that a list of columns exist in a table.


Table Key

The table_key(...) validation checks that, for a list of columns, entries for these columns are unique.

For example, running the validation on columns name, age of a table will check that the pairs of name and age entries are unique. A table with just two rows, such as ('David', 21), ('David', 24) would pass the validation. A table with rows like ('David', 21), ('David', 21) would fail. See the following screenshot of notional data as an example.
