Branch taskbar

The branch taskbar is incorporated in applications that integrate with Foundry Branching. The taskbar signals to users that they are operating in the context of a branch.

Users can view their active branch, toggle between branches, examine and navigate modified resources, and be guided through the stages of proposal creation, review, and merging using the taskbar.

The branch taskbar is displayed as a blue bar at the bottom of supported applications.

Branch taskbar shown at the bottom of Pipeline Builder.

Branch selector

The branch selector facilitates switching between existing branches, including the Main branch. It also allows for branch creation.

Modified resource selector

The resource selector enables you to navigate to and view modified resources on the branch. You can also view the status of each resource. If a resource is incorporated in a proposal, you can view the proposal and add reviewers.

Foundry Branching taskbar resources changed selector.

Create proposals and merge changes

The Create proposal option generates a proposal for the modified resources on the existing branch. When a proposal is created, the text on the option changes to Merge changes.

Foundry Branching taskbar resources changed selector.

Merge changes allows you to view and manage proposal status, add reviewers to the proposal, and merge the proposal when approved.

Branch taskbar shown at the bottom of Pipeline Builder.