Array functions

This topic highlights array functions that you may want to use in expressions in Contour.

About arrays in Contour

You should note that arrays are only supported in the Expressions board in Contour. After working with arrays in column expressions, you should use array_join to convert the resulting array to a string so you can use it in other Contour boards.

Array length

You can use the array_length function to get the length of an array. This can be helpful when filtering. For example, if you have an array column items_array, you can use the Filter expression board with the array_length function to get the length of the array, as indicated below.

array_length(items_array) > 0

Joining values

You can use the array_agg function to combine the values in a column. Say you have a table of purchases made. You want to create a new column with an array of all items purchased by a particular customer. If your table looks like the following:


You can create a new column with the joined values with the following function:

array_join( array_agg("item") OVER (PARTITION BY "customer_id"), ', ' )

To break this into its parts:

  • array_agg returns an array of all the values in a given column. We’ve given it a window function as the column argument. So instead of

which would aggregate all values in the column, we have

array_agg("item") OVER (PARTITION BY "customer_id")

which will aggregate the values by customer_id.

  • array_agg_distinct returns an array of all distinct values in a given column. Unlike array_agg, this function ensures that each value appears only once in the resulting array.

  • array_join is a transform function and joins the items in an array into a string, separated by a delimiter. Generically, this looks like:

array_join(<array>, <delimiter>)

So [milk, bananas, bread] becomes "milk, bananas, bread".

The resulting column, items_array, will look like this:

123eggs, bread
444milk, bananas, bread

Exploding arrays

If you already have a column mapping a primary key to an array of values, you can break these out using the explode function, which will create a new row for each value in the array, so given:

123eggs, bread
444milk, bananas, bread

Open the Expression Editor and choose 'Replace column'. The code explode(items_array) will result in the following table:


Note that the explode function will drop nulls. To keep nulls, use the explode_outer function.