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Getting started with Apollo

To get started, you will need a working Apollo Hub.

You should also review the key Apollo concepts before following this guide.

For hands-on experience with Apollo, we recommend completing the Apollo Introduction Guide.

1. Connect an Environment

Apollo uses a Hub-and-Spoke architecture, where your Spoke Environment is a Kubernetes cluster. If you are testing, you can connect a local Kubernetes cluster. Otherwise, you should use a CNCF-certified distribution of Kubernetes.

Kubernetes production cluster requirements ↗

Set up a local Kubernetes cluster for testing ↗

Connect a Kubernetes cluster to Apollo ↗

2. Create a Product

A Product is the software that you want to deploy with Apollo.

Create a new Product ↗

Create a Product Release ↗

Create Product Releases in Apollo from your CI pipeline ↗

3. Install a Product in your Environment

An Entity in Apollo is an installation of a Product in an Environment. Apollo manages monitoring, upgrades, and maintenance for these installations.

Install software in your Environment ↗

4. (Optional) Change how Apollo manages your deployed software

Apollo enables Environment and Product editors to set requirements that must be satisfied before Apollo undertakes an action, such as an upgrade. Apollo considers the resolved set of Product and Environment requirements before recommending any action.


Edit Environment management settings ↗

Edit the Environment settings ↗


Configure a Release promotion pipeline ↗

Manually promote Releases ↗

Set Product maintenance windows ↗

5. Recall and roll-off

Recalls are how you communicate to Apollo that there is a problem with one or more Releases. When you issue a recall, Apollo will automatically remediate the issue by blocking bad Releases from further roll-out and installing non-recalled Releases in affected Environments.

Issue a recall ↗

Roll your Environments onto a safe Release ↗

6. SecOps: Vulnerability scanning and SBOMs

Apollo offers several security workflows that provide you full visibility into your security scans and help streamline actions based on the results.

Manage security workflows ↗