
We recommend using Dashboards instead of Templates. Dashboards are the preferred method of creating, sharing, and embedding content from a Quiver analysis. Though existing templates continue to be supported and editable, the creation of new templates will be deprecated.

Learn how to convert an existing template to a dashboard.

Quiver supports the creation of object and object set templates. A Quiver template is a saved version of a Quiver canvas which can be used as a standalone dashboard, or embedded in other Foundry applications. A template is defined with an input object (or object set), allowing the viewer to see the data relevant to the object (or object set) they care about.

Templates can be useful for solving some of the following workflows:

  • Pivoting an analysis on one object/object set to another object/object set.
  • Creating a read-only, non-editable version of a Quiver analysis canvas.
  • Embedding a Quiver analysis canvas in another Foundry application, such as an Object View or a Workshop application.

Get started by reading about how to create a template.