We recommend using Dashboards instead of Templates. Dashboards are the preferred method of creating, sharing, and embedding content from a Quiver analysis. Though existing templates continue to be supported and editable, the creation of new templates will be deprecated.
Once you have created an analysis or template in Quiver, you might want to create and print a report to share key visualizations, insights and commentary with others. To do so, you can add individual Quiver charts or entire Quiver templates to a Notepad document.
Use the / (forward slash) key in a paragraph or click the + button in the top toolbar to open the insertion menu.
After selecting the Quiver chart type of embed and clicking the Insert button, the new section will be added to the document. After configuring the section, the respective visualization or table will be shown.
Copying to Notepad
This functionality may not be available on all instances of Foundry. Contact your Palantir representative if you have further questions.
If available, the Copy for Notepad () button will appear in the upper-right corner on Quiver cards. Clicking this button copies the necessary information to the clipboard; upon switching to a Notepad document, selecting a paragraph, and pasting the current clipboard content, the content will be inserted into the document automatically.
Follow this tutorial to learn how to embed sections of a Quiver template into a Notepad document.