Model Catalog

You can enable Model Catalog in Control Panel.

Model Catalog is an AIP application in Foundry, created to help with discovery and orientation of all Palantir-provided models.

Model Catalog enables builders to:

  • View the models that are available in AIP and discover new models.
  • Select the right model for your use case. Upcoming updates should provide more tools and benchmarks for comparison and decision making.
  • Get started with a workflow both using basic templates and entire use case templates through Marketplace.
  • Test different models using a sandbox/playground.

Model Catalog currently does not include custom ML/AI models, only LLMs. You can find ML/AI models in Modeling Objectives.

Model Catalog has two main views:

Model Catalog home page

Model Catalog home page

The Model Catalog home page is a discovery and navigation interface, displaying all large language models available for a user in their Foundry enrollment. There are a few ways to classify models in the home page:

  • Model Type
    • Completion Model: A completion model is designed to generate contextually relevant text by predicting and completing input text. This makes it suitable for tasks such as content generation, auto-completion, translation, and question-answering. For example, GPT-4 Turbo, Mixtral 8x7B, Llama2 70B Chat.
    • Embedding Model: An embedding model converts discrete data like words and sentences into continuous vector representations. It is most commonly used for semantic search and other information retrieval use cases. For example, text-embedding-ada-002 and Instructor Large.
    • Vision Model: A vision model is trained to analyze and interpret visual input, enabling it to recognize objects, classify images, and support various computer vision tasks for image and video data. For example, GPT-4 Vision and Gemini Pro Vision.
  • Status
    • Experimental: An experimental model may be treated as experimental by either the provider or Palantir, indicating that APIs might change, token capacity could be limited, or the model might be discontinued. These models are typically used for exploration and testing, with less emphasis on long-term stability and support. For example, Gemini Pro Vision is currently considered experimental.
      • Most enrollments are configured to only show models within the “Stable” lifecycle stage. Contact Palantir Support to access experimental models.
    • Stable: A stable, or generally available, model is a reliable solution endorsed by both the provider and Palantir. It offers robust functionality, guaranteed support, and is designed for long-term usage without the risk of sudden discontinuation or API changes. GPT-4o and Llama3.1 are examples of stable models.
    • Sunset: A sunset model will deprecate in the coming months. While sunset models can no longer back new workflows after their prescribed deprecation date, the model may still support existing workflows. Compared to their stable counterparts, sunset models will not receive the same level of technical support. GPT-4, OpenAI's legacy GPT model from 2023, is an example of a sunset model given its replacement with GPT-4o.
    • Deprecated: Palantir removes, or deprecates, models from Foundry in coordination with the model provider after its sunset period expires. Deprecated models cannot support existing workflows, including new API calls, so projects must migrate to a stable model before a model's deprecation to maintain functionality. Foundry retains and makes accessible the deprecated model's historical data and logs.
Model nameModel providerStatusNext lifecycle statusNext lifecycle change date
GPT-4OpenAIGASunsetOctober 1, 2024
GPT-4-32kOpenAIGASunsetOctober 1, 2024

You can reference an exhaustive list of available models as part of AIP's features documentation.

  • Model Creator
    • A Model Creator is the organization responsible for creating, developing, and maintaining a specific LLM. Examples include Azure OpenAI, Anthropic, Google Gemini, and Mixtral AI. Model Creators may offer their LLMs directly or through partnerships with other organizations, such as OpenAI through Azure and Anthropic through AWS. Some models may be provided and hosted by Palantir itself, for example, Llama and Mixtral.

If a model is unavailable or greyed out, it means that it is not enabled for your enrollment. To enable a model, contact your platform administrator or Palantir representative. Learn more about Model Enablement.

Model entity page

Model catalog model view

Each model has an entity page with three main sections:

  • Playground: An interface for builders to try out the different models.
  • How to use it: Get started by creating a resource, already populated with the content required to start building your workflow. Model Catalog currently supports Functions and Transforms.
  • Model description: A basic description, legal disclaimer, context window of the model like tokens limit, training data cutoff, and more.

Model comparison page

Model catalog comparison view

The Model Catalog comparison page allows builders to efficiently compare and evaluate the performance of various LLMs. The interface allows users to select two LLMs and test them on the same completion or vision tasks. This enables informed decision making and allows builders to quickly select a model that is optimal for their workflow.