Model connectivity & developmentManage a modeling projectModeling deployment FAQAPI: Query a live deployment

API: Query a model or Modeling Objective live deployment

In both a direct model deployment and modeling objective, you can create a live deployment and host your model over an HTTP endpoint. You can test the hosted model from the Query tab of your live deployment by using the model in production through Functions on models, or by using the live deployment API directly.

To query the hosted model directly, choose from the following endpoint options:

  • Multi I/O endpoint: A more flexible endpoint designed for complex hosted models and input types.
  • Single I/O endpoint: A simplified endpoint designed for less complex hosted models.

The single I/O endpoint is deprecated and only supported in modeling objective deployments.

Multi I/O endpoint

The multi I/O endpoint is a flexible endpoint that supports one or more inputs and one or more outputs.

The multi I/O endpoint does not support dataset-backed models.

  • URL: <ENVIRONMENT_URL>/foundry-ml-live/api/inference/transform/ri.foundry-ml-live.<LIVE_DEPLOYMENT_RID>/v2
    • <ENVIRONMENT_URL>: See section below for more information.
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Authentication type: Bearer token
  • Required HTTP headers:
    • Content-Type: Must be "application/json".
    • Authorization: Must be "Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>", where <BEARER_TOKEN> is your authentication token.
  • Request Body: A JSON object containing the information to be sent to the model. The expected shape of this depends on API of the deployed model.
  • Response: A successful response will return a status code of 200 and a JSON object representing the inference response returned by the model. The shape of this object will reflect the API of the currently deployed model.

Examples: Query a live deployment with the multi I/O endpoint

For the following examples, we will use a model with a simple API of a single input and output.

The expected API for a simple example model.

The hosted model in this example expects a single input named inference_data, which is a dataset containing a text column. In this case, the expected request format would be the following:

1 2 3 4 5 { "inference_data": [{ "text": "<Text goes here>" }] }

The model responds with a dataset named output_data, which contains a prediction column. This translates to the following response:

1 2 3 4 5 { "output_data": [{ "prediction": "<Model prediction here>" }] }

Example: curl

1 curl --http2 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: <BEARER_TOKEN>" -d '{ "inference_data": [ { "text": "Hello, how are you?" } ] }' --request POST <ENVIRONMENT_URL>/foundry-ml-live/api/inference/transform/ri.foundry-ml-live.<LIVE_DEPLOYMENT_RID>

Example: Python

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 import requests url = '<ENVIRONMENT_URL>/foundry-ml-live/api/inference/transform/ri.foundry-ml-live.<LIVE_DEPLOYMENT_RID>/v2' inference_request = { 'inference_data': [ { 'text': 'Hello, how are you?' } ] } response =, json = inference_request, headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>' }) if response.ok: modelResult = response.json() print(modelResult) else: print("An error occurred")

Example: JavaScript (using Node.js 18)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 // Construct request const inferenceRequest = { "inference_data": [{ "text": "Hello, how are you?" }] }; // Send the request const response = await fetch( "<ENVIRONMENT_URL>/foundry-ml-live/api/inference/transform/ri.foundry-ml-live.<RID>/v2", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", Authorization: "Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>", }, body: JSON.stringify(inferenceRequest), } ); if (!response.ok) { throw Error(`${response.status}: ${response.statusText}`); } const result = await response.json(); console.log(result);

Example: Multi I/O models

Multi I/O models can receive multiple inputs and return multiple outputs. The image below shows an example of a model with multiple inputs and outputs:

A model with multiple inputs and outputs.

To query a multi I/O, use the same request format as shown in the previous examples, with the inference_request containing a named field for each input:

1 2 3 4 { "table_1": [{ "text": "Text for table one" }], "table_2": [{ "text": "Text for table two" }] }

The model will also respond with an object containing a named field for each output:

1 2 3 4 { "table_1_out": [{ "text": "Result for table one" }], "table_2_out": [{ "text": "Result for table two" }], }

Single I/O endpoint

The single I/O endpoint does not not support multi I/O models.

All models packaged with foundry_ml should use the single I/O endpoint.

  • URL: <ENVIRONMENT_URL>/foundry-ml-live/api/inference/transform/ri.foundry-ml-live.<LIVE_DEPLOYMENT_RID>
  • <ENVIRONMENT_URL>: See section below for more information.
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Authentication type: Bearer token
  • Required HTTP headers:
    • Content-Type: Must be "application/json".
    • Authorization: Must be "Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>", where <BEARER_TOKEN> is your authentication token.
  • Request Body: A JSON object with the following fields:
    • requestData: An array containing the information to be sent to the model. The expected shape of this depends on the API of the deployed model.
    • requestParams: An object containing the request parameters to be sent to the model. This is only used for models packaged with foundry_ml, and the expected shape of this also depends on the API of the deployed model.
  • Response: A successful response will return a status code of 200 and a JSON object containing the following fields:
    • modelUuid: A string identifying the model.
    • responseData: An array of objects, where each object represents the inference response of the model. The shape of these objects depends on the API of the deployed model.

Examples: Query a live deployment with the single I/O endpoint

For the following examples, we will use a model with a simple API of a single input and output.

The expected API for a simple example model.

The hosted model in this example expects a single input named inference_data, which is a dataset containing a text column. In this case, the expected request format would be the following:

1 2 3 4 { "requestData": [{ "text": "<Text goes here>" }], "requestParams": {}, }

The model responds with a dataset named output_data, which contains a prediction column. This translates to the following response:

1 2 3 4 5 6 { "modelUuid": "000-000-000", "responseData": [{ "prediction": "<Model prediction here>" }] }

Example: curl

1 curl --http2 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: <BEARER_TOKEN>" -d '{"requestData":[ { "text": "Hello, how are you?" } ], "requestParams":{}}' --request POST <ENVIRONMENT_URL>/foundry-ml-live/api/inference/transform/ri.foundry-ml-live.<RID>

Example: Python

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 import requests url = '<ENVIRONMENT_URL>/foundry-ml-live/api/inference/transform/ri.foundry-ml-live.<RID>' inference_request = { 'requestData': [{ 'text': 'Hello, how are you?' }], 'requestParams': {}, } response =, json = inference_request, headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>' }) if response.ok: modelResult = response.json()['responseData'] print(modelResult) else: print("An error occurred")

Example: JavaScript (using Node.js 18)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 // Construct request const inferenceRequest = { requestData: [{ text: "Hello, how are you?" }], requestParams: {}, }; // Send the request const response = await fetch( "<ENVIRONMENT_URL>/foundry-ml-live/api/inference/transform/ri.foundry-ml-live.<RID>", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", Authorization: "Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>", }, body: JSON.stringify(inferenceRequest), } ); if (!response.ok) { throw Error(`${response.status}: ${response.statusText}`); } const result = await response.json(); console.log(result.responseData);

Environment URL

In the examples shown above, the <ENVIRONMENT_URL> placeholder represents the URL of your environment. To retrieve your environment URL, copy the curl request from the Query tab of your deployment sandbox and extract the URL.

The deployment sandbox, with the environment URL visible on the left.

Error handling

The most common HTTP error codes are detailed below:

  • 400: Usually caused by an exception that occurred during model inference.
  • 422: Caused by a request that is not properly formatted. Confirm that the JSON in the request is valid and conforms to the model API.
  • 429: Caused by too many requests. Retry with backoff. Rate limits are dependent on your environment.
  • 500: Caused by an internal server or deployment error. This can happen when the deployment is unhealthy and automatically attempts to restart. Manual intervention may be required.
  • 503: The service is unavailable. Retry with backoff. Manual intervention may be required.