5 - Build the lineage for the flight alerts dataset
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📖 Task Introduction
In this task, you'll create a new pipeline snapshot using the flight_alerts_clean dataset. Using the expand feature, we'll be able to ask, "How was this table created? How many different data sources were used to generate it? How up-to-date are those datasets?"
🔨 Task Instructions
Click the blue ➕ Add resources button near the center of the graph.
In the right sidebar, choose All projects, then search for and open the Foundry Training & Resources project's Example Projects folder, then its [Datasource] Flight Alerts subfolder, then its datasets subfolder, then its clean subfolder.
Click flight_alerts_clean to add the dataset as a node on the graph.
Close the right-hand navigation panel by clicking the two right-facing "chevron" arrows located to the left of the panel.
Click the flight_alerts_clean node on the graph.
Select the flight_alerts_clean node, then click on the Preview tab at the bottom of the screen to see a snapshot of the data.
After adding the dataset to the graph, you can add its ancestors or descendants with the expand functionality.
With the flight_alerts_clean node selected, click on the Expand icon in the upper left toolbar menu.
In the subsequent dropdown menu, click the « arrow icon located just above the Expand parents text.
Click the blue Add 9 nodes button. Note: It's OK if your button shows a number other than 9.