8. [Repositories] Ontology Data Pipelines14. Configuring Your Flight Alert Object Type

14 - Configuring your Flight Alert Object Type

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📖 Task Introduction

In this task, you will be creating your own Flight Alert object type with a step-by-step helper in Foundry’s Ontology Management Application (OMA). The goal of this training is to provide you with experience in basic Ontology building, not to expose every feature of OMA.

In this task, you will be using the steps described in the OMA documentation entry titled “Create a new object type with the helper”.

⚠️ You'll need permissions to edit your organization's Ontology to complete the remainder of this tutorial. ⚠️

🔨 Task Instructions

  1. Open OMA from the Workspace sidebar.
  2. With the Overview menu item selected in the top left of your screen, click ⊕ New object type to the right of the navigation menu.
  3. On the right side of the window, click the ✎ Select button.
  4. Locate the flight_alerts dataset in your Ontology Project: Flight Alerts folder you prepared to back this object type. Note: This isn't the same as the flight_alerts dataset in the Foundry Training and Resources project. It's the dataset you built in the earlier steps of this tutorial.
  5. In the Configure object type metadata window, complete the fields as follows.
    • Object type name - singular: Enter a display name that indicates this is your object. For example, [yourName] Flight Alert, replacing yourName with a personal indicator (e.g., [jmeier] Flight Alert).
    • Object type name - plural: This will auto-populate based on your entry above. There is no need to alter this.
    • Description: Provide a short description of your object type. For example, Object created for training purposes on ${date}.
    • ID: There is no need to change this from the default, which is derived from your chosen display name.
    • Icon: Choose any icon and color you wish to represent your object type. This can be updated at any time.
  6. Toggle the Map all columns as new properties to the “ON” position.
  7. All object types must have a Title and a unique primary key defined. In this case, set both to Alert Display Name.
    • Primary Key: A field that is unique for each row in the dataset.
    • Title Key: The property that will serve as the human-readable label for your objects.
  8. Click the Create button in the bottom right of the window.

Before moving on, read this brief OMA navigation guide to help orient you to the interface.