8. [Builder] Ontology Data Pipelines2. What Is The Foundry Ontology

2 - What is the Foundry Ontology?

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The Foundry Ontology is a customizable semantic layer that translates designated Foundry datasets into objects, properties, and links between them. This course may occasionally use the phrase Object Layer to refer to the Ontology, because it is a semantic "layer" atop Foundry's data layer. The following table illustrates the way datasets are mapped to the object layer:

DatasetsOntology Objects
Dataset ⟶Object Type
Rows ⟶Objects
Columns ⟶Properties
Joins ⟶Links

If we were to use the following dataset called sample_customer_data to create an object type called Customers, each row would map to an individual customer object with properties informed by the column values. The overall dataset represents the object type. In this way, the object Samantha Green is an object of the type Customer.