7. [Builder] Configuring Data Expectations2. Add a Primary Key Data Expectation

2 - Add a Primary Key Data Expectation

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📖 Task Introduction

Foundry’s Data Expectations framework is rich and granular, and a subset of all possible expectations checks are available to you in Pipeline Builder.

Code-based expectations written in Foundry’s Code Repository application gives you access to the full expression of data expectations checks. You can also get a feel for the scope of possible expectations checks in the Foundry documentation. If you’d like practice implementing these in a repository, consider following the “Repositories” track of this learning path.

In this task, you’ll see how simple it is to add a data expectation to an output dataset in Pipeline Builder.

🔨 Task Instructions

  1. Open the flight_alerts_datasource_clean pipeline artifact in your .../Datasource Project: Flight Alerts/datasets/clean/ folder.

  2. Click on the flight_alerts_clean output node.

  3. In the Pipeline outputs panel on the right side of the screen, click the Edit button to edit the output.

  4. Click the Configure expectations button near the top of the panel.

  5. Toggle on the Primary key check.

  6. Set alert_display_name as the target column for the check.

  7. Click Apply.

  8. Deploy your pipeline.