2. [Repositories] Introduction to Data Transformations14. Creating Cleaning Utilities

14 - Creating Cleaning Utilities

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📖 Task Introduction

Some of your raw data values are not optimally formatted. In this exercise, you’ll create two utility files containing functions you will use to preprocess the data. Some of the anomalies you’ll want to fix early in your pipeline include (but are not limited to):

  • The flightDate column in flight_alerts_raw is currently a string type rather than a date.
  • The mapped_value columns in both mapping datasets contains extra spaces and the text is lowercase and separated by _ characters. You'd rather have "Open and Assigned" than the current value of "·······open_and_assigned."

For this first utility file, we’ll rename and repurpose the examples.py file that the repository provided when it was created. This training track assumes familiarity with data transformation techniques using Python/PySpark and does not provide instruction on syntax. The code provided does, however, include comments to help clarify its purpose.

🔨 Task Instructions

  1. Create a new branch in your repository from Master called yourName/feature/preprocessing.

  2. Right click on the examples.py file in the repository's Files panel and choose to Rename it to cleaning_utils.py.

  3. Delete the contents of the file in the code editor window (e.g., with ctrl+a → Delete).

  4. Copy the code block below, and paste it into the code editor.

    Note how the functionality described in the code comments partially addresses the issues described above and normalizes column names.

    from pyspark.sql import functions as F
    import re
    def normalize_strings(df, string_columns):
        This function takes a dataframe (df) and an array of string columns as arguments
        This function iterates through the list of string columns in the dataframe and
        1. Replaces underscores with spaces
        2. Capitalizes the first letter of each word
        3. Trims trailing whitespace
        4. Replaces empty strings with null
        for colm in string_columns:
            df = df.withColumn(colm, F.regexp_replace(F.col(colm), '_', ' '))
            df = df.withColumn(colm, F.initcap(F.col(colm)))
            df = df.withColumn(colm, F.trim(F.col(colm)))
            df = df.withColumn(colm, F.when(F.col(colm) != "", F.col(colm)).otherwise(None))
        return df
    def normalize_column_names(df):
        This function take a dataframe (df) as an argument
        This function calls the normalize_column_name function to convert all column names in the dataframe to snake_case
        return df.select(
            *(F.col(f"`{colm}`").alias(normalize_column_name(colm)) for colm in df.columns)
    def normalize_column_name(name):
        This function takes a single column name (string) as an argument
        This function:
        1. Trims trailing whitespace
        2. Converts from camelCase to snake_case
        3. Collapes any sequential underscores into a single underscore
        4. Removes any trailing underscores
        name = name.strip()
        name = re.sub(r'([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', name)
        name = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', r'_', name)
        name = re.sub(r'_+', r'_', name)
        name = re.sub(r'_$', r'', name)
        return name.lower()
  5. Commit your code with the following message: “feature: add cleaning utils.”