1. Data Pipeline Foundations13. Exercise Summary

13 - Exercise Summary

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This page summarizes the relevant data integration applications addressed in this learning path. Note that Data Connection training is covered in a separate learning module.

✅ What you learned

  • Data Engineers use the Contour, Code Workbook, and Preparation applications to prototype data transformations between moving them into a production pipeline These applications should be used for prototyping and analysis only and not to output datasets as part of a production pipeline.
  • Pipeline Builder is the default, preferred application for transforming data as part of a production pipeline.
  • Code Repositories are also sufficiently flexible and robust to output datasets as part of a production pipeline, but they should be used as a complement to Pipeline Builder when specialized transformation code is needed.
  • The Data Lineage, Scheduler, and Data Health applications are all used in the maintenance and monitoring of data pipelines.
  • Schedule and Data Health are accessible from the Data Lineage application.
  • This learning path now splits into two tracks. Courses labeled with “Builder” cover data transformation with Pipeline Builder. Those labeled with “Repositories” will perform the same transformation steps in a code repository.