Introduction to Code Workbook1. Create Your Code Workbook

1 - Create your Code Workbook

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📖 Task Introduction

Code Workbook allows you to write code in various languages to analyze your data. In this exercise, we'll write some basic PySpark code, which is a Spark library written in Python.

🔨 Task Instructions

  1. Click the Projects & files Folder icon near the top of the Workspace Sidebar.
  2. Navigate to /Foundry Training and Resources/Example Data/Aviation Ontology/.
  3. Right-click on the flights dataset.
  4. From the dropdown menu that appears, choose Actions.
  5. Select Analyze in Code Workbook.

ℹ️ Depending on the configuration of your environment, you may be prompted to choose a folder to save your new file. If so, choose the sandbox folder you created in Introduction to Palantir Foundry, or create it now via these instructions if you haven't already.

ℹ️ Depending on the configuration of your environment, you may be prompted with a message about project scope as below. If you do, click the blue Import button. This configuration establishes a default setting to prevent unintentional cross-pollination of resources, such as datasets and code workbooks, across different projects.