Introduction to Palantir Foundry10. Explore A Dataset

10 - Explore a dataset

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📖 Task Introduction

Now that you have opened your flights dataset, you can explore more high-level information to become familiar with the shape and scope of your data.

🔨 Task Instructions

  1. With your flights dataset open, review the About section of your Preview panel located on the left side of your screen. This section includes information on the dataset such as:

    • time it was created and updated
    • users who created and last updated the dataset
    • size of the table
    • tools and input datasets used to create the data
    • tags and more

  1. Select the Columns section located to the right of About. Here you can get information on the different columns in the dataset, including: the type of data, description, and data stats.
  2. Additionally, there is the Schedules section which shows schedules that affect this particular dataset.
  3. Finally, you can tab across History, Details, and Health to dig deeper into the numerous metrics for the flights dataset.