1. Understand and Explore Your Ontology15. Layouts Property Charts

15 - Layouts: Property Charts

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A key aspect of the Explore perspective is the collection of charts that appear in the center of the screen. The goal of this task is not to convey all of the chart types available. It will, however, give you some practice creating three simple custom charts for your exploration:

  • A distribution of acquisition dates grouped by model
  • A statistic table displaying arrival delay data
  • A map of flight destinations

🔨 Task Instructions

  1. Open the exploration you saved in the previous task.

  2. Delete all of the existing charts in the center navigation area by clicking the “X” in the top right corner of each until you’ve cleared them all out. All that should remain is an ⊕ Add chart area in the middle of the screen.

    You won’t need to do this each time you customize a layout; we’re doing it here to start from a blank canvas.

  3. Click ⊕ Add chart in the center of the blank chart area. Notice you are not given a list of charting options; you see properties and object types. The property type (string, numeric, date, etc.) determines the types of charts you can select.

  4. With [Example Data] Aircraft highlighted on the left of the window, choose the Acquisition Date property on the right.

    You now have a generic date distribution chart, but your goal is to group this data by aircraft model, so some configuration is required. Fortunately, all charts can be modified using a similar pattern.

  5. Click the “gear” (⚙️) icon in the top right corner of the chart.

  6. Click the +Group by ▾ button and choose Model as the grouping property. You can leave the default Number of groups value.

For a more complete treatment of chart configurations, we recommend reading this documentation entry and practicing with some of the chart types described there.