1. Understand and Explore Your Ontology5. The Backing Dataset

5 - The Backing Dataset

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How does the transition between dataset and Ontology object type happen?

You’ll learn more about the Ontology development process in a later training. For now, simply recognize that this object type is backed by or mapped to the aircraft dataset.

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  1. Click the More ▾ button in the upper-right area of the screen and then on … Advanced and click on View backing dataset.

  2. You're now in the Dataset application. Click on the header for the tail_numbercolumn. This will open the stats window at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Once the stats load, locate the Filter field in the bottom right area of the screen. Enter N101NN and then click on it in the Value list below.

  4. Two blue buttons appear just above; choose Keep N101NN.

    We are now looking at the row in the backing dataset that informs the N101NN object in the ontology. In the Ontology Management Application (OMA)—the subject of the next tutorial—columns from the backing dataset are mapped to properties of the Object type. OMA allows for some minor presentation-level changes to the data (e.g., the column name tail_number becomes Tail Number), but substantive changes to data quality and schema must be done in the data transformation stage of project development rather than in OMA.