7. Introduction to Actions19. Exercise Summary

19 - Exercise Summary

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You’ve now brought your flight alert actions into your Workshop module. When your analyst takes these actions, it will update the record in the object storage service. Although the Action does not write these new values back into the backing dataset, you and your colleagues can use Foundry’s data pipelining tools to schedule a build of the writeback dataset, which takes the latest state (including Action-enabled edits) of the table in the object storage service and writes it to a Foundry dataset. That build process is covered in the Data Engineer training track.

What you built

  • An inline button to trigger the alert details drawer, which contains an embedded Quiver template of details linked to the active flight alert.
  • A menu button with two items, one for each of your flight alert actions.
  • Logic and presentation settings for your Action forms.

What you learned

  • In Workshop, buttons are a common way to trigger Actions that require users to manually enter required parameters.
  • You can hide or disable Actions in Workshop if their validations do not obtain.
  • You can hide or disable Action form fields in Workshop.