15 - Updating your flight alert context overlay behavior

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📖 Task Introduction

When you click a row in your Workshop module's flight alert table, it opens an overlay that displays a Quiver analysis templated to the [o][1] Active Flight Alert. Ultimately, we want our users to take an Action at the click of a button from the main flight alert page. Let's update the overlay opening event to be triggered by a button rather than the row click. This will pave the way for a cleaner user experience when we incorporate our actions into the module in the next task.

🔨 Task Instructions

  1. Open the Workshop module you’ve been building on this track in edit mode.

    • It should be the Flight Alert Inbox resource in your /Temporary Training Artifacts/ folder or other preferred save location.
  2. In the edit mode of your workshop module, select Object table: Flight Alerts from the layouts panel on the left.

  3. In the object table widget configuration panel on the right, scroll down to the Selection block and click the x next to the Open Drawer: Flight Alert Context event to remove it.

  4. Now select the Section: Table section, click the right-most in the header, and add a Button group widget.

  5. In the Metadata tab of the button group configuration panel on the right, change the widget name to Button group: Alert Details.

  6. Back on the Widget setup tab, select "Button 1" under Button Configuration. Set the following values in "Button 1".

    • Text: Alert Details
    • Intent: Primary
    • Left Icon: List detail view
    • Description: Charts and stats about the highlighted alert
    • ⊕ Add event: Open Overlay: Flight Alert Context
  7. Test your button to ensure the overlay opens on click.

  8. Save and publish your module.