6. Building a Common Operating Picture14. Add A Map Point Data Layer With Your New Variables

14 - Add a map point data layer with your new variables

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You may be wondering, “why did I need to create [o] Filtered Flight Alerts for Map when I could have just configured a single variable for [o] Filtered Airports for Map?” In short, you'll soon be creating a metric card visual for which you'll want the [o] Filtered Flight Alerts for Map variable separate from [o] Filtered Airports for Map.

Now that you have your object set variables established, it’s time to plug them into a new point-based data layer.

🔨 Task Instructions

  1. Open the main map widget configuration page and click ⊕ Add Data layer configuration.

  2. Click into the New Data Layer block that appears.

  3. Apply the following settings in the panel, leaving all others alone:

    • Layer Name: Airports
    • Object Set to Map: [o] Filtered Airports for Map
    • Layer Configurations: Point
    • Geohash ↗ Property: Airport Location
    • Legend Header: Destinations
  4. You can use property values to inform point icons, colors, or size. In the Size Configuration section, click Size by property value.

  5. From the Static Value Property Type field, choose Number of Destinations (i.e., change the point size based on buckets of this property value).

  6. Under Style by Property Value Configurations, choose Range Value Match.

    • You’ll now need to define your size buckets and assign them a small, medium, or large value.
  7. In the Value range to Size mapping block, enter the following values:

    • Minimum Value: 0
    • Maximum Value: 50
    • Size: Small
    • Legend Label: 0-50
  8. Add two more Value range to Size mapping blocks by clicking the ⊕ Add Value range to Size mapping above for each. Set the values as follows:

    • 50 | 100 | Medium | 50-100
    • 100 | 200 | Large | >100
  9. Further down below, move the Enable Single-Select Mode toggle to the “On” position.

  10. Finally, let’s set a filter output so that clicking an airport node on the map will store filter parameters you can use downstream. Click into the Select object set filter variable . . . near the bottom of the configuration panel. As you’ve done many times before, create a new variable and rename it, this time to [f] Selected Airport on Map.

  11. Save and publish.