6. Building a Common Operating Picture8. Setting Up A Section Structure To Support Your Design

8 - Setting Up a Section Structure to Support Your Design

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Workshop comes equipped with charting widgets (e.g., bar, line, pie, scatter) for creating basic visualizations. Let’s give your operations analyst a visual describing the breakdown of alert priorities just above the COP. In this task, you’ll work on setting up the section structure you need to support an informational “statistics” section located above a map.

🔨 Task Instructions

  1. Click into the header of the empty Section on the right. Using the Split section button at the top center of your module editor, choose New section below.

    • We're going to build towards your top section containing a chart and some statistics; your bottom section will contain your COP map.
  2. Your layouts panel should now show a Section with two nested or “child” Section entries. Click the parent (top) section and in its configuration panel on the right, change its name to Section: Main and toggle the Section Header setting to "Off". The header disappears from the module.

  3. Click into the first nested section (this should be the top section in your center module editor) and change its name to Section: Statistics and move the Section Header toggle to the "On" position.

  4. Update the section Title to Statistics, give it the Chart icon, and move the Collapsible toggle to the “On” position.