6. Building a Common Operating Picture2. Adding A New Page

2 - Adding a New Page

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By adding more pages to your application, you can develop more complex, multi-screen modules. The Workshop module you created in the previous training contains a single page: a Flight Alert Inbox.

You’d like to provide the operations analyst monitoring the inbox with the ability to get broader situational awareness about Flight Alerts. It’s a best practice in application development to segregate workflows into discrete interfaces so the purpose and function of each remains clear. In this exercise, you’ll add a page to your module that will contain your Common Operating Picture (COP).

🔨 Task Instructions

  1. Open the Workshop module you created in the previous tutorial in Edit mode.
  2. In the layouts panel on the left side of the screen, click the ➕ button next to the “Layout” header.
  3. Add a New page layer to your module. Your new blank page with default sections appears on screen.
  4. In your new page configuration panel on the right, change the Page Name from page 1 to Page: COP.