6. Building a Common Operating Picture1. About This Course

1 - About this course

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You’ve now seen how Workshop guides the application builder along various web development patterns on top of the Ontology. Alert inboxes like the one you built in the previous tutorial are a common way to use the structure Workshop brings to the builder experience. Workshop users also frequently construct Common Operating Pictures (COPs) to enable collaborative planning and shared situational awareness. You’d like to provide the operations analyst monitoring your flight alert inbox with broader situational awareness about relevant aviation Ontology elements. In this training, you’ll build a COP as a second “page” in the Workshop module from the previous training.

⚠️ Course prerequisites


When learning an application development environment, there’s no substitute for repetition. This tutorial is an opportunity to practice with some patterns used in the previous training. While building out the basic Common Operating Picture (COP) in this training, you’ll encounter familiar and novel ways to bring your Ontology object and link types to life for your end users.

Remember that alert inboxes and COPs are just two of several solution designs Workshop enables. You’ll be honing in on these two application types for the remainder of this track, but you are not limited to them.

Learning Objectives

  1. Gain experience with more complex variable interactions.
  2. Learn to configure basic Workshop COPs using native charts and maps.
  3. Learn other interoperable application embedding options.

Foundry Skills

  • Build multi-page applications.
  • Configure basic Workshop charts.
  • Configure basic Workshop maps.
  • Dynamically embed object views into your Workshop module.
  • Use the dependency graph to understand more complex variable-widget relationships.