5. Intro to Application Building in Workshop14. Configuring A Filter List Widget

14 - Configuring a filter list widget

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📖 Task Introduction

Like your object table widget, your filter list requires an input object set (the items to be filtered). It does not, however, output an object set. Rather, it outputs filter parameters that can be applied as a variable throughout your module.

Let’s configure a simple filter list and look closer at its unique output.

🔨 Task Instructions

  1. Return to the Widget setup tab in your filter list configuration panel.

  2. Click into the Select object set variable. . . field and choose [o] All Flight Alerts from the list of existing variables.

  3. In the Filters Configuration block, use the Add filter. . . button to add the following filters:

    • Keyword
    • Priority
    • Status
    • Flight Date
    • Risk Premium

    Notice that the string properties default to a histogram-style filter by default while the date and numeric properties default to distribution and timeline charts respectively. These default presentation modes can be changed by clicking into the Filter Component fields for each filter, but we’ll leave the defaults for now.

  4. At the bottom of the Filter Configuration block, move the Allow users to add and remove filters toggle to the “On” position. Your users can now add filters on more properties during their application sessions as needed.

  5. In the Output Data block, click on the generic filter output name, Filter list 1 Filter output and change the name in the variable fly-out window to [f] Flight Alerts Filter. The [f] prefix indicates this is a filter variable rather than an object set. You do not need to set the Object Type field.

  6. Let’s take a look at what your filter output variable looks like. Tick the Priority = medium checkbox in your filter widget and scroll to the very bottom of your filter list widget configuration panel on the right. The Current Value box contains a scrollable, formatted set of filter parameters.

  7. Save and publish your module.

Read more about the Filter list widget in the product documentation for a more complete assessment of its features.