5. Intro to Application Building in Workshop11. Version Control

11 - Version control

This content is also available at learn.palantir.com ↗ and is presented here for accessibility purposes.

📖 Task Introduction

When you save your module, you save a snapshot of it into a version history. When you publish your module, you make it available to anyone with the Viewer role on the resource (though users will encounter an empty module unless they also have access to the object types). By default, the save and publish functions are coupled into a single button (Save and publish).

This task reviews the basic version control, save, and publish options.

🔨 Task Instructions

  1. In the top left of your screen, you’ll find a small blue emblem with a white checkmark inside. This emblem is located just under your module name and file path. Click onto the semantic version (e.g., v0.3.0) next to the checkmark.

    • The Versions window presents the history of all save actions and indicates which of the versions is published. Clicking on the . . . to the right of the listed versions gives you the option to revert to, view, or publish older versions.
    • ℹ️ Currently, Workshop only makes “minor” version increments when you save. For example, if you make changes on v0.3.0 and then save, the version will update to v0.4.0. Learn more about semantic versioning. ↗
  2. Move the toggle in the top left of the Versions window to the “Off” position. With this setting disabled, your Save actions will not publish the version.

  3. Click the Close button at the bottom of the window.

  4. Click the Save button (formerly Save and publish). Notice your module’s semantic version updates. You will now see a visual indicator reporting that you are working on an Unpublished version.

  5. Click on the new semantic version number and return the Automatically publish when saving toggle back to the “On” position.

  6. Save and publish as needed.