4. Building Object Visualizations13. Using Numeric Formulas

13 - Using numeric formulas

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📖 Task Introduction

Deriving values with a numeric formula requires that inputs be numeric values. The steps in the previous task generated those values, which you’ll now use in a numeric formula to achieve your derived calculation

🔨 Task Instructions

  1. Near the center of your analysis toolbar at the top of your screen, click the Numeric menu and choose Numeric formula (you may need to collapse your configuration panel on the right of your screen to show the Numeric button).

    • The numeric formula editor opens on the right side of the screen with an empty text box for entering numeric formulas.
  2. Each card in your analysis has a variable name associated with it for easy reference in calculations. Take a moment to look in the top left corner of each of your cards and locate the variable name, known as a Plot Reference in Quiver, and which take the form of $J.

  3. Find the plot reference values for the two numeric metrics you just derived: Route Flight Count and Route Delay Count.

  4. In the Numeric Formula card editor, type the Plot Reference for Route Delay Count, then a / to indicate a divide operation, and finally the Plot Reference for Route Flight Count. For example: $O/$S.

  5. Click the Update button at the bottom of the formula area. As you can see from the result, you’ll need to apply some formatting.

  6. Click the Display tab in the Numeric Formula configuration panel.

  7. In the Format section at the top, click the “gear” icon and change the format to Visual format.

  8. In the format editor that opens, change the Base type to Percentage.

  9. Apply these additional settings:

    • Inline Header: “On”
    • Metric Alignment: Align Center
    • Description Alignment: Align Center
    • Description: Flights Delayed on Route
  10. To ensure your metric is recognizable in the Analysis Contents list, click into the generic name at the top of the editor (i.e., Numeric Formula) and change it to Flights Delayed on Route.

  11. Save your analysis.