4. Building Object Visualizations6. Accessing Linked Objects

6 - Accessing linked objects

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📖 Task Introduction

Another value you’d like to display in your presentation-ready canvas is the carrier associated with this particular alert. That property, however, is not part of your flight alert object, but it is a property on the linked flight. Remember that there is a one-to-many relationship in the Ontology between [Example Data] Flights and your flight alerts objects. With Quiver—as with Object View widgets—you can traverse these Ontology links to access data contained on other object types. This is useful for analysis and will serve your presentation purposes, too.

In this task, you’ll bring in the flight linked to our starting flight alert, obtain the carrier property, and display it with another card.

🔨 Task Instructions

  1. Click again into your Flight Alert card and then on the search button at the bottom.

  2. Search for the Switch to linked object set option in the fly-out window to open the configuration panel for a new object set card just added to your canvas.

  3. Click into the Select Relation Type field and choose [Example Data] Flight from the list of available linked object types. A card representing the single linked flight now appears below your Flight Alert card.

  4. Let’s change the name of this new card so we can reasonably identify it as our canvas gets more complex. Click into the generic name in the top left (e.g., [Example Data] Flights linked to [jmeier] Flight Alerts) and change the name to Linked Flight.

  5. Click into 'Search Cards' next to the ADD CARD icon in the application bar near the top of your screen (depending on your screen resolution, it may be collapsed in the ... menu).

  6. Select Object property.

  7. In the editor panel on the right, you’ll need to first define the Input Object. Click into the Select . . . field and choose Linked Flight.

  8. In the Property field, choose Carrier Name.

  9. Click into the name of the card at the very top of the editor (e.g., OO5531 ORD->ATL 2018-02-06 Carrier Name and rename it to Carrier Name.

  10. As you did with the previous card, click into the editor panel Display tab and apply these settings:

    • Inline Header: “On”
    • Metric Alignment: Align Center
    • Hide Description: “On”
  11. Save your analysis.