3. Configuring Object Views6. Adding A New Tab

6 - Adding a new tab

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📖 Task Introduction

Object view Tabs are the most straightforward way of navigating and grouping object content. So far, you’ve been using the default tabs available immediately after object type creation: Overview, Properties, and—if any links have been configured—a linked objects tab.

In this exercise, you’ll practice adding, populating, and securing tabs.

🔨 Task Instructions

  1. At the top right of the object view interface, click More, then ... Advanced, and Edit object view.

  2. In the right sidebar, click the left arrow button near the top-left corner twice. This leaves the widget-level and tab-level configuration menus and returns you to the overall "Editing object view" sidebar. In this overall "editing object view" configuration sidebar, click ⊕ Add tab. This adds a new tab to the right of your others called New tab.

  3. Click into the Settings section of the tab configuration panel which is now open on the right. Rename your tab to Route Statistics.

  4. At the top of your empty tab, click the light gray ——— ➕ Add widget ———. From the list, find and add a Linked Objects View widget.

    This is a widget that can only display information from objects directly or transitively linked to the object in view. Let’s create a table of delay statistics for all flights on this route.

  5. In the widget configuration panel on the right side of the screen, extend the links as follows: [yourName] Flight Alert[Example Data] Flight[Example Data] Route[Example Data] Flights[Example Data] Delay. Practice conceptually tracing this path through the ontology.

  6. In Property types to display choose Specific Properties.

  7. In the Properties to include field, choose Weather Delay, Carrier Delay, and Late Aircraft Delay.

The Linked Object View widget is a versatile way to display a tabular view of linked object properties. Read more about it here this documentation entry.