10 - Configuring Your Passenger Object Type

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You’ve already run through the configuration process once, so the steps in this task will be relatively brief. Refer to the instructions and documentation links in the previous section if you need additional help.

🔨 Task Instructions

  1. Open Ontology Manager and click ⊕ New object type.

  2. With the Overview menu item selected in the top left of your screen, click ⊕ New object type to the right of the navigation menu.

  3. In the Create new object type window, complete the fields as follows:

    • Datasource:
      • On the right side of the window, click the ✎ Select button to choose the datasource for your new object type.
      • Locate the dataset you generated in the previous task (e.g., passenger_{yourname}_{date}).
      • Click on the blue Next button.
    • Metadata:
      • Object type name - singular: Enter a display name that indicates this is your object. For example, [yourName] Passenger, replacing yourName with a personal indicator. We recommend object names to be singular and written in Title Case.
      • Object type name - plural: This will auto-populate based on your entry above. There is no need to alter this.
      • Description: Provide a short description of your object type. For example, Passenger object type for training purposes.
      • ID: There is no need to change this from the default, which is derived from your chosen display name.
      • Icon: Choose any icon and color you wish to represent your object type. This can be updated at any time.
      • Click on the blue Next button.
    • Properties: All object types must have a title key and a unique primary key. These keys are properties (dataset columns) that will identify individual objects (dataset rows):
      • Primary Key: Passenger Id
      • Title Key: Title
    • Click the Create button in the bottom right of the window.