Introduction to Foundry Map13. Practice Solution

13 - Practice Solution

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Visualize all flights landing within 100 miles of San Francisco that were delayed due to carrier.


  1. How many flights appear on your completed map? 59
  2. Which origin airport lies farthest to the East? BOS
  3. Which flight origin occurs the most frequently in the final mapped data? SNA & DEN, identified in the histogram panel

Solution Walkthrough

  1. Use the coordinates to find (or manually locate) San Francisco, California, USA and perform a Search for objects that intersect a shape.... Draw a circle with a 100 mile (161 km) radius.

  2. In your radius, search for [Example Data] Delay objects with a filter on the Carrier Delay property, setting the minimum value to 1 (i.e., weather delays of at least 1 minute). This should return 59 delay objects.

  3. As shown in the exercise prompt, delay objects are not linked to airports, but flights are. With your newly added delay objects on the map, perform a Search Around and bring back all linked flights.

  4. Select all objects in the [Example Data] Flight layer, and Search Around for origin airports. There should be 31 origin airports.

  5. The [Example Data] Delay layer has served its purpose and can be removed from the map if desired.