Introduction to Foundry Map1. About This Course

1 - About This Course

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The Foundry Map is a dedicated geospatial and temporal analysis application. You may have seen that Contour and Quiver also possess limited mapping capabilities, but with the Foundry Map, you can more fully explore, analyze, and visualize geospatial data from a variety of sources, including high-scale vector data and satellite imagery, and temporal data such as paths of object movements over time, and events. What’s more, your Map visualizations can be dynamically embedded into other Ontology-aware Foundry applications. With Map, you can:

  • Explore connections between geospatial objects, traverse physical networks.
  • Search geospatially for point and polygon data, using bounding box and polygon intersection queries.
  • Visualize contextual geospatial data from a variety of sources, including high scale vector data and satellite imagery, and temporal data such as paths of object movements over time, and events.
  • Interact by drawing shapes and performing geospatial actions.
  • Build geospatial applications using map templates.

This course offers an introduction to analysis and visualization in the Foundry Map application. After this session, you should feel comfortable creating a new Map, populating it with basic features, and applying various search and filter methods.

Learning Objectives

  1. Create and save a new Foundry map.
  2. Add objects and links to the map using a variety of search and filter methods.
  3. Add related objects to your map by using a Search Around.
  4. Apply styling to map elements.
  5. Use the histogram to apply further filtering.
  6. Annotate important Map features.

Foundry Skills

  • Learn the basics of analysis and visualization in the Map application.