Data Analysis in Contour8. Enriching Your Data

8 - Enriching your Data

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📖 Task Introduction

In inspecting the dataset, you notice that there isn't any information about delays. The information you surfaced about routes is useful, but it doesn't get at the business problem quite yet. Since we’ve set out to find any discernible patterns around what causes flight delays, we’ll enrich our dataset by adding delays information.

🔨 Task Instructions

  1. Click on the Join category in the action ribbon.

  2. Select the Join board.

    ℹ️ Note that we have left the Join for the end of the path. By filtering our data as much as possible we optimize the performance of Contour.

  3. Leave the join type set to Add columns.

  4. Click on Choose dataset and then Select dataset....

  5. Then, navigate to the delays dataset by following the click path below:

    • All projects
    • /Foundry Training and Resources
    • /Example Data
    • /Aviation Ontology
    • /delays
  6. Click on Select.

  7. Once you've selected the delays dataset, you'll want to bring in the relevant columns from that dataset. In the Add columns option select two columns:

    • dep_delay
    • arr_delay
  8. In the match condition section below, choose Match All, and click ➕ Add match condition. Select flight_id for both left and right fields.

  9. Click Save.

As we've seen through our analysis, joins are a way for us to enrich our dataset by bringing in relevant and impactful data points into our current dataset. Take a few moments to learn more about joins.