Data Analysis in Contour6. Exploring Filter Board

6 - Exploring Filter board

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📖 Task Introduction

In this task, we’re going to explore the Filter board. With the Filter board you can narrow into a subset of your data without the use of code. After the filter is added, subsequent boards will only use that filtered subset.

🔨 Task Instructions

  1. Click on the Filter category in the action ribbon at the bottom of the Contour path.
  2. Choose the Filter board.
  3. Under Select Columns, open the dropdown menu and click on the origin field.
  4. Keep the is condition and tap SFO in the empty field.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click on Calculate summary After this filter board, subsequent boards will only use that filtered subset (504 rows vs. the 20,652 rows in the flights dataset)
  7. We won't use this filter board for the rest of the lesson > Click on Delete board

Filter boards are an incredibly powerful tool that will inevitably impact analysis further downstream. Take a moment to learn more about this particular board.