Introduction to Contour10. Use The Histogram As A Filter

10 - Use the Histogram as a Filter

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📖 Task Introduction

You can use any Contour visualization to filter data. The Histogram Board is one of the simplest ways to filter and is a good option if you are not familiar with a dataset and want to explore it visually.

After creating a Histogram Board, simply click on one or more of its bars to filter on them. All Boards beneath the Histogram Board will operate on the filtered dataset.

This filtering does not impact the original data, but it does affect the data consumed by any boards you may place below. For example, if you filter your flights dataset to "Airline X" using the Histogram Board, subsequent boards will be working with the filtered version of that original data (i.e., only those rows where the carrier is "Airline X."

🔨 Task Instructions

Click on the blue Histogram bar for Southwest Airlines Co. At the bottom of the Histogram Board, you will see text that says:

"Keep rows where carrier_name is Southwest Airlines C..."

In the bottom right of the Histogram Board, you can clear this filter by clicking the X.