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Learning Objective Coverage
Review primary data types available for analysis in Foundry.
Tabular data
Ontology data
Geospatial data
Choose the optimal Foundry applications for desired analytical outcomes.
Code Workbook
Object Explorer
The Foundry Map
Check on the lineage, freshness, usage, and health of the following Foundry data types:
Time series
What you learned
The Map is Foundry's dedicated geospatial analysis and visualization application that allows analysis to integrate data from across Foundry into a cohesive geospatial experience.
Contour's Map board enables analysts to present tabular geospatial data.
Quiver's Map chart enables analysts to present geospatial data that has been mapped to the Ontology.
Technical data analysts and data scientists can use Code Workbook to apply common libraries for parsing and analyzing geodata.
Data engineers may consider implementing code-based Data Expectations checks on geohash or geoJSON columns to reduce the risk of malformed geospatial information propagating through the pipeline, the Ontology, and analyses.