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Tabular Foundry datasets can be synchronized to the Ontology's object storage backend, which translates the dataset's rows and columns into objects, properties, and links. As an object type's backing dataset updates, the object type's data in the Ontology automatically updates, too. Since Ontology elements rely on accurate and timely backing dataset builds, you'll use methods similar to those used for tabular data (described in the earlier lessons in the "Tabular Data and Analysis" portion of this course) to validate the data accuracy, completeness, and freshness of the Ontology.
Datasets that back ontology object types should have two other health checks to monitor the synchronization between the backing dataset and the Ontology storage service:
Using what you've learned about tabular and Ontology data health, answer the following questions:
dataset back any Ontology object types? (Hint: About )flights
dataset have the Sync freshness and Sync status health checks applied? If so, are the checks passing or failing?