Example: Integrate a Vertex AI model

The below documentation provides an example configuration and model adapter for a custom connection to a model hosted in Google's Vertex AI.

For a step-by-step guide, refer to the documentation on how to create a model adapter and how to create a connection to an externally hosted model.

Example Vertex AI tabular model adapter

First, publish and tag a model adapter using the model adapter library in the Code Repositories application. The below model adapter configures a connection to a model hosted in Vertex AI using the Vertex AI SDK for Python ↗ and framework. The below code was tested with versions Python 3.8.17, pandas 1.5.3, google-cloud-aiplatform 1.32.0, google-auth 2.23.0, google-auth-oauthlib 1.1.0.

Note that this model adapter makes the following assumptions:

  • This model adapter assumes that data being provided to this model is tabular.
  • This model adapter will serialize the input data to JSON and send this data to the hosted Vertex AI model.
  • This model adapter assumes that the response is deserializable from JSON to a pandas dataframe.
  • This model adapter takes four inputs to construct a Vertex AI client.
    • region_name - Provided as connection configuration
    • project_id - Provided as connection configuration
    • endpoint_id - Provided as connection configuration
    • google_application_credentials - Provided as credentials
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Vertex AI tabular model configuration

Next, configure a externally hosted model to use this model adapter and provide the required configuration and credentials as expected by the model adapter. In this example, the model is assumed to be hosted in us-central1, but this is configurable.

Note that the URL is not required by the above VertexAITabularAdapter and so is left blank; however, the configuration and credentials maps are completed using the same keys as defined in the Model Adapter.

Select an egress policy

The below uses an egress policy that has been configured for us-central1-aiplatform.googleapis.com (Port 443).

Egress Policy for Vertex AI in the modeling objectives application

Configure model adapter

Choose the published model adapter in the Connect an externally hosted model dialog.

Model Adapter configuration panel for Vertex AI in Palantir Foundry

Configure connection configuration

Define connection configurations as required by the example Vertex AI tabular model adapter.

This adapter requires connection configuration of:

  • region_name - The Google region name where the model is hosted.
  • project_id - The unique identifier for the project this external hosted model belongs to.
  • endpoint_id - The unique identifier for the externally hosted model.

Connection configuration panel for Vertex AI in Palantir Foundry

Configure credential configuration

Define credential configurations as required by the example Vertex AI tabular model adapter.

This adapter requires credential configuration of:

  • google_application_credentials - This is the full contents of a service account private key file that can be used to obtain credentials for a service account. You can create a private key using the Credentials page of the Google Cloud Console ↗.

Credentials configuration panel for Vertex AI in Palantir Foundry

Vertex AI tabular model usage

Now that the Vertex AI model has been configured, this model can be hosted in a live deployment, or Python transform.

The below image shows an example query made to the Vertex AI model in a live deployment.

Example query using VertexAITabularAdapter