Code examplesGraph and tree structured datasetsTransforms



Flatten hierarchical tree data

How do I flatten a hierarchical tree data structure into a flat table with parent-child relationships?

This code uses PySpark to transform a hierarchical tree data structure into a flat table with parent-child relationships. It creates a function to extract objects per level and generates unique primary keys for nodes and parents. The output dataframe contains columns for node_id, node_description, node_level, parent_id, parent_level, parents_path, node_pk, and parent_pk.

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  • Date submitted: 2024-03-26
  • Tags: code repositories, code authoring, python, graph, tree

Extract ancestors and descendants from graph dataset

How do I extract ancestors and descendants from a graph dataset using PySpark and NetworkX?

This code uses PySpark and NetworkX to prepare a graph dataset, create a directed graph, and extract the ancestors and descendants of each node in the graph.

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  • Date submitted: 2024-03-20
  • Tags: code authoring, code repositories, python, tree, graph, networkx