Code examplesGraph and tree structured datasetsFunctions on Objects

Functions on Objects


Get tree from root object for Vertex

How do I get the full tree from a root object in a tree like structure to display in Vertex?

This code performs a breadth first search from the root object of a tree-like object structure. It then returns an IGraphSearchAroundResultV1 to display this tree in Vertex.

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  • Date submitted: 2024-04-30
  • Tags: graph, typescript, searcharound, breadth-first search, vertex

Search around for children and grandchildren

How do I get the children and grandchildren of an object structured like a tree or graph?

This code defines a function that takes a list of input nodes and returns an object set containing the children and grand children of the input nodes by searching around the parent nodes.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 @Function() // Get the children and grand children of one given input node. private async getGrandChildrenAndChildrenViaList(item: ItemStructure[]): Promise<ObjectSet<ItemStructure>> { if(item.length === 0){ // Return empty set return[]); } else { // Defines an object set from the list of object as input var itemSet: ObjectSet<ItemStructure>; itemSet =; // Search around those objects return itemSet.searchAroundItemStructureParent().union(itemSet.searchAroundItemStructureParent().searchAroundItemStructureParent()); } }
  • Date submitted: 2024-03-20
  • Tags: functions on objects, foo, typescript, searcharound